Renaming and Rebranding an Association
American Association for Anatomy (AAA)
In January 2019, Gavilan & Associates (G&A) in partnership with GRAPHEK, engaged with the American Association of Anatomists to provide marketing, communications, research and graphic design consultation in support of their then-pending name change to the American Association for Anatomy.
The name change broadens the focus of the organization to encompass all components of the anatomy field, not only those who consider themselves “anatomists.”
Research & Discovery
AAA had support for the name change prior to our engagement but wanted to verify it through stakeholder interviews. Therefore, the G&A team interviewed a cross-section of their members, from college and university professors to physical therapists, to gain insight on the name change and future messaging. These interviews were invaluable, and the findings provided significant direction for the rebranding initiative.
The G&A team also conducted a Communications Audit of AAA materials and a Competitive Analysis to influence next steps.
Brand Launch Plan & Messaging Strategy
A multichannel Brand Launch Plan was developed for AAA that included:
Visual Identity
The visual identity component included:
The messaging, logo and brand identity were well-received by AAA management, and a full brand roll-out began in August 2019. The new brand inhabits the website, social media pages, research journals, member materials and more, including promotion of the organization’s 2020 annual meeting. In addition, AAA distributed a series of emails and a marketing toolkit to introduce the new brand.
Below are some of the member comments received when the new brand launched: